Is Rural Ontario Mobility-Ready?

Vacation Town
Becomes Hometown.

Counter Urbanization. The new trend in Ontario’s changing landscape. Rural Ontario is rapidly becoming HomeTown Ontario as urbanites increasingly vacate hyper markets like the GTA. And it’s not just GTA, this migration is happening across Canada, even across the globe. Driven by an aging population, a growing retirement generation, and shifts in work from home culture, the urban chains to jobs are becoming unlocked, and Ontarians are flocking to the country. Once dormant, dated and financially unstable towns are now flourishing growing communities. But many are struggling to create infrastructure like Public Transit to support their growing community.

That’s where we come in.

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Let's Talk Transit

What does OPTA, AMO, & ROMA, do for my town?

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Public Transit Leads to Safer Roads, and Supports Rural Economies

Living Rural Working Urban: Bridging the connected city with MAAS

Public transportation is a major issue for today’s cities, large and small. Rural transit dependancy is expected to increase by nearly 100% by 2025, and many are not ready. Over the past decade or two many small urban cities, and rural towns have either abandoned their transit programs altogether, or are at the least, operating costly, antiquated equipment, dated logistics systems, and are no longer able to meet the demands of todays rider, making Living Rural and Working Urban almost impossible.

Backed by our parent TRANSDEV Group, a global pioneer in Mobility as a Service, we are working to create, together with small Urban Cities and Rural Ontario, the connected cities of tomorrow. Given the challenges of urban to rural migration, highway traffic congestion, inner city parking problems and the growing awareness of the environmental advantages of public transport, the challenge for metropolises is to build intermodal and multimodal mobility systems that integrate new means of transport such as trip pooling, flex scheduling, while offering innovative payment and passenger information services to improve the customer experience.

Inter-modality is one of the keys to smooth public transport and improved passenger service, which is why our priority is to advocate for efficient mobility hubs to guarantee seamless travel. For this, a truly holistic approach is necessary:

  • think regionally: advise political decision-makers on the development, renovation and operation of connection hubs;
  • attract passengers to Inter-Community Mobility networks: develop or redesign mobility hubs to make them more attractive;
  • convert car drivers: to utilize new micro transit services designed for flexibility and freedom even in small centres
  • improve the customer experience: continue to develop and implement ON-Demand platforms, shared platforms and other non-traditonal models  in order to revolutionize the traveller’s experience

We're Connecting Ontario's Cities

Freedom To Move. Ontario is far and wide, and Ontarians’ require the freedom to live where they feel at home, while having opportunity to work, attend higher education, and seek medical services wherever they are available. That’s Freedom to Move.

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